Tag Archives: Wild Kingdumb

Just for Fun!

10 Aug

Good morning gang!  I’m so totally excited to present a little collaboration with a great artist and Phillies fan, Dan Boyer!

Check these out! 

Dan Boyer of Wild Kingdumb.com is the West Coast’s biggest Phillies fan.  He specializes in pop-culture art and nerd-tastic illustrations, and has been a huge Phillies fan since Joe Carter broke his heart in ’93.  Dan takes requests and special orders so go visit him at WildKingdumb.com.

Dan was awesome enough to hand draw these great pictures of the Phanatic just or this limited release.  Each shirt design is limited to a run of 50, so get yours before they are gone!

Check out Dan’s art, and grab one of his shirts!  Limited Edition = Cool.

I’m so totally excited that this got done.

Keep up with me on Facebook, and Twitter, and soon my App will be available in the iTunes store.

Also, check out my  T-Shirt shop.